Some of the most exciting conservas coming into the US right now are from a small village in Asturias, Spain, from Restaurante Güeyu Mar. There, Chef and owner Abel Álvarez selects small amounts of perfect seafood “treasure” and chargrills them before saucing and canning. Each can is hand-wrapped in playfully artistic, original design wrapping paper, making them almost too beautiful to open.

But these definitely must be opened.
Conserva has picked up three must try, exquisite products from Güeyu Mar, each one is exceptional, gift worthy, and so so tasty.
When chatting with Alvaro de la Viña, a Spanish native and the US importer of Güeyu Mar, he mentioned that the 'Calamar de Otro Planeta' Squid in Ink made “the best arroz negro he ever had.” We tested his bold claim, and sure enough, it is that good. And all you need is 1 can of Calamar Otro Planeta, enough freshly cooked rice for 2 portions, and literally nothing else. We particularly love this can mixed in with calasparra rice, but arborio, jasmine, even sushi rice can all make a delicious, and wildly simple arroz negro dish that even the most Spain-traveled conossieur would agree is just like a restaurant quality dish from a seaside town in Spain.
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